A person you can trust. Someone who will always be there for you. Someone that has the soul of an angel. His humor is questionable, but he always tries his best. People can’t say if he is a good person, but people that really know him can undoubtedly say he is the kindest, most loving person ever put on earth.
Person 1: I heard your dating Draven....
Person 2: Yeah! He is so outgoing, I love him so much!
Person 1: Are you sure? He seems like a psychopath who is about to commit genocide to multiple generations of frogs.
by PotatoesOfEpicnessAndGoodness November 16, 2020
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Draven is someone who has been hurt throughout his life has had a lot of trouble with relationships and has never really had a meaningful relationship not because he is incapable or because he has not tried but because he has found no one who can accept him for him he is someone who always tries to put other people's before himself no matter what he has if he does not have enough he's still gives it away driven always tries to keep going he looks for self-assurance in other people and tends to hate being alone he can be one of the most kind sweet caring person you'll ever meet but once you get on his bad side it is very hard to ever get back on his good graces Draven is a person who does believe in second chances but believes that you should never forget what someone has done he is the type of person that believes if you fool him once that's a shame on you you fool him twice that's a shame on him if you fool him three times you will never get his trust back draven tries his best to do everything he can for other people but lacks proper social skills 90% of the time he has low self-esteem and even when everyone around him tells him that he is great at something he believes he's not you will also find out that Draven is one of the most loyal people you will ever meet
Why are you acting like that you're being such a Draven
by Draven09201999 February 3, 2021
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Hot,relaxed,calm. Surfs,goes to the beach alot. Good in the bed. Smokes weed. Can be a bitch sometimes. Rarley ever serious. Can have a energy overload at times. Sick and twisted in the mind.
Dame,Draven fucked me so hard last night!
Draven got so high last night.
I dont get Draven at all.Draven can be creepy.
by sleepzzzzzzzzzzz April 23, 2009
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Verb. To kill or be killed in an incredibly gruesome and savage manner e.i. the main character from the movie The Crow. Usually involves torture.
"In the new Saw movie, some guy totally got Dravened."

"If you don't stop pissing me off, I'm going to Draven you."
by breelligerent November 21, 2009
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The little shit that fucks around with multiple bitches
Draven is dating my friend and 5 other bitches
by Saggy.bitch October 21, 2019
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