The moment in time when you get flagged down by an adult who cthinks they know better.
Sorry Monica couldn't make it... She got pulled down by the man.
by Inead January 27, 2013
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Calming a person with african american ethnicity as a joke.
Tyrone: "I'm going to brutally end your life!"
Jake: "woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha!"
Tyrone: "Thanks for calming me down man! I really appreciate it!"
by TheWorldo June 14, 2023
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Slang for a guy who is uncircumcised, causing him to pull down his skin. Therefore he is part of the Pull Down Gang.

All those uncircumcised are part of this gang.
Girl 1 “He’s nice and all but he’s uncircumcised
Girl 2 “Tough that means he’s part of the Pull Down Gang
by Shidy June 11, 2018
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