When one promotes an alternative methodology claiming it to be safer, when in fact, it is actually 10 times more dangerous.
"Jenny McCarthy dorffed me into believing that by not vaccinating my children I would be preventing them from developing autism. Instead, my three year old died in agonizing pain from aseptic meningitis."
by bloodface November 29, 2014
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A word of extreme randomness. Often used in practical jokes in texting, e-mailing and on telephone answer machines. The purpose is to make your friend think they have received a real message, only to find they have received the word; "Dorf!"
John: Oooh, I have a text from James.

Text; "DORF!"

John: What the hell?
by Mike100000000 April 14, 2011
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Noun. A perpetually agitated or disgruntled dwarf.
Dude, while I was playing Lord of the Rings Online, this stupid dorf sent me off on this stupid quest and grumbled when I came back with what he wanted.
by HanaKaicho October 11, 2011
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a mode one can go into

a state of confusion/surprise/anger
i got raped by that math test, i am now in a state of dorf

last night was wild, ive been in dorf mode all day
by shawn_harris43 October 16, 2006
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Derogatory term referring to a person like a dork but more stupid

May well wear baggy trousers and walk with a stoop, looking at the floor, whilst small children throw shit at them
No! That's my leg! - you dorf!
Eat shit Dorf - you don't know shit!
You think The Darkness are kool - you're so a dorf!
by M.Powers February 27, 2006
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a word used to describe the ultimate silly goose. if anyone ever calls you this, you had better done something wrong, or you will be justified to castrate the offender.
what have you done, you dorf!!
by chubby skinny July 2, 2019
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A 4-5 inch, fairly girthy,very hairy, poorly maintained penis. Similar to a chode.
Did you see his dorf? Ugh I know, gross right?
by mbm5385 April 26, 2014
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