Donald dump was elected president because some people are dumb and want walls
by hikierus January 25, 2019
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The act of ending a relationship by smearing feces across a bald man's head as to mimic a comb-over hair style whilst informing him, "YOU'RE FIRED!"
by #ej #johnson #bitchz July 20, 2015
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The SCROTUS.(So Called Ruler of the United States) Agent Orange, Donald Trump himself.
Did you watch Dirty Donald Dump's State of the Union Address? He managed not to grab anybody by the pussy.
by Manolo Cartegeña March 2, 2017
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Melania should dump the chump known as Donald Trump Aka Dump. Donald= D Trump= ump, Donald+Trump= Dump. #DumpTrump
by Bernie4LifeFTD August 15, 2018
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A dump that's so epic, it's probably worth a million dollars.
Man I just pumped the most epic dump ever! It was legit a Donald Trump dump!
by Sir Spankelot December 13, 2010
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A maniac coot who has dem dump trash bags as clothes
Bruhhhhh Donald Dumpppppppppppppp
by Boi On A Unicycle November 5, 2018
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