The act of observing the differences and making distinctions between multiple objects, groups, people, ect.
Federal law requires retailers to discriminate between persons under the age of 18, and person 18 and over when selling firearms.

Bob used the large signs outside each of the 2 gas stations when he was attempting to discriminate which station sold cheaper gas.

Keisha was practicing discrimination when she chose chocolate ice cream over the haggis flavoered ice cream
by Logic May 9, 2006
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The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons.
A Japanese American who is promoted to a management position may still be a victim of discrimiation if he or she had been passed over for years because of corporate reluctance to place an Asian American in a highly visible position. ISBN: 0130418692
by s. beyet June 9, 2005
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When YouTube doesn't allow you watch a video because you don't live in the U.S.
Boy 1: "yo, YouTube won't let me watch this vid, bro. It says it's not available in my country"
Boy 2: "That's cuz you don't live in the U.S. Man. Bloody discrimination these days"
by Polarbear77 October 29, 2014
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(unfair treatment based on skin color, age, etc.) is the act of making a bad/unhelpful honor/difference for a being based on the group, class, or category to which they are perceived to belong. (unfair treatment based on skin color, age, etc.) can be reasonable or (related to having wrong, pre-decided ideas).
Kid:Your Black so you don't can't play with us

Kid:Stop Discriminating Me *Calls teacher*
by Jif=Bad May 3, 2020
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The passing of Prop 8.
Hey I heard California passed Prop 8! What a bunch of fucktards! Fuck this discrimination, I'm moving...
by CAprop8isgay November 5, 2008
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Pronunciation: \dis-ˌkri-mə-ˈnā-shən\

1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>
Hannah recently became manager of a software development company. She believes that she can boost sales and productivity by hiring a younger, more tech-savvy marketing representative, despite the fact that Antonio, the company's current marketing rep, has done superb work. Antonio recently completed a highly successful ad blitz that generated much industry-wide buzz and attracted numerous new clients. Hannah fires Antonio, who is 62 and close to retirement age anyway, she reasons, and replaces him with Cheyenne, a 35-year-old marketing whiz. Hannah discriminated against Antonio by firing him because of his age. Now thats what I call Discrimination...
by KaptKrunch July 23, 2010
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The (often intentional) exclusion of any group of things or people, especially white, protestant, conservative, middle or upper class, well educated males. Discrimination is often coupled with hatred of the excluded group.
"Americans once discriminated against Native and African Americans and other foreign people groups so much that through attempting to rectify our mistake we have outdone ourselves and discriminated against ourselves instead! Not that there isn't still some discrimination against the aforementioned groups, but it is dramatically less so that it was many many years ago."
by bob0654 June 30, 2016
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