a new coin of phrase used to describe someone who has been caught naked on stage and/ or has almost flashed someone.
"You better pull up your pants, unless you want to pull a Daniel Radcliffe."
by Annie Pants March 7, 2007
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Very hot brit actor who made me swoon when he was in the bath...;), he needs better stylist...green velvet is not nor will it ever be sexy... Other than that he has been the object of many a daydream for me. He also needs to admit that he and Emma have a thing for each other...it is so obvious!
OMG...is that Daniel Radcliffe?! And is Moaning Myrtle hitting on him?!
by astrogirl January 14, 2006
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AN interesting guy, but probably nto as good as Rupert Grint. BUt Daniel RAdcliffe, we still luv ya!
It's that guy from Harry Potter, u know, Daniel RAdcliffe!
by Hermy G October 6, 2005
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A pathetic pretty-boy joke of an actor who is ruining the Harry Potter movies. He was only hired because he's attractive, and yet looks remarkably unlike Harry.
Voldemort: Now give me the stone unless you want her Lily Potter to have died in vain.
Daniel Radcliffe: Never! in fake British accent and overemotional.
by Ilana January 22, 2006
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A talentless actor who, when displaying any type of strong emotion (eg anger) creates a need in the viewer to run away and find a sledge hammer in order to smash the screen and the disk.

One who's employment circumstances on the Harry Potter movies are extremely suspicious.
Daniel Radcliffe: I was with my father who was one of the producer's of the film during the auditions. He was the producer

Me: So... what, does that mean that you only got the job because of your influential parent

DR: What...? No... I... Can you get back to me in a week when I've consulted the script editor on an oh so witty cutting comeback?

Me: uuuhhmmm... ok?
by _General_Zod_Will_Rule_ January 26, 2007
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Also seeno tallent. A n00b of an actor that doesn't do the brilliant Harry Potter books justice.
Daniel Radcliffe needs to be fired.
by Non Existance May 15, 2005
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Dan is awesome! His taste in music rocks and so does he! He is an extremely charming British gentlemen and dude, can he act!! HE's sweet and perfect in every way, and has a wonderful personality!
Interview with Daniel Radcliffe
Q:Are you shy, like you are with Cho Chang, in real life?

D:I'm quite shy, but I'd like to think that I'm not. I don't have a girlfriend, but I try. Sometimes I find myself not knowing what to say to girls. I don't understand girls yet, but I'm trying to.
by Laika23 April 15, 2006
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