"Dead Beat Dad" i.e. a father who does not pay child support
He hasn't made one chuld support payment. He's a DBD.
by <no name> May 3, 2008
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"Damn bro, damn." Used when you're impressed as fuck.
Suraj: "I got a 300 on the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1"
Me: "dbd"
by Poochifer January 30, 2017
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Noun; a Dine, Bitch, and Ditch female
Guy: Yeah, she's just a DBD, no big deal. I'll wine, dine, and do her. But the minute she starts to bitch, I ditch.
by BrosUnited December 8, 2013
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Dumb Bitch Disorder is a severe mental illness that dumb bitches suffer from for having too little brain cells.
Dorcas: Guys.. I need to tell y’all something.
Mia: what happened??
Dorcas: I’ve been diagnosed.. with DBD
Jade: OH NO WHAT!!?
Dorcas: yes, dumb bitch disorder
Mia & Jade: *gives the “really Bitch” look*
by DoubleDDaphney May 9, 2019
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