1. A reference to any incredibly annoying person, spec. female.

2. Referring to a spoiled, especially annoying, and selfish woman of large proportions.

3. A female of large stature and unsightly features with little to offer the opposite gender except stifled sexual intimacy.
Christ, Becca, stop being such a Butter Cunt.


Sarah? Yeah, she's alright as a friend; but if I didn't know her I'd peg her as a total butter cunt.
by Trahald October 7, 2010
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spoiled rich annoying cocky slop drunk fat bitch

spreads legs like butter- selfish hog conniving sloppy drunk mess of a chick, dash of butter face yet still could be slightly attractive

however; her buttercuntess subtracts from any possibility of attractiveness
samantha cary is a perf example

or vanessa miller

"she's such a butter cunt"
by tweedleweeoowee March 16, 2010
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The asshole. The poop chute. The anal cavity.
My tinder hookup came over and even though I power bottomed, he absolutely ruined my moist tight peanut butter cunt.
by Dick Onchin November 8, 2020
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