A mobile device that people use like crack. They become addicted to texting, email,internet usage, and phone calls.
anyone who uses a blackberry constantly, we describe the phone as a crackberry
by LaurenC. April 2, 2009
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A nickname for any device in RIM (Research In Motion)'s BlackBerry lineup. It comes as a result of the BlackBerry devices' push e-mail capability, sometimes resulting in users constantly checking and sending short emails, forming an apparent addiction to the use of their device.
"Are you going to the movie tonight?"





"Oh, sorry. I was using my CrackBerry."
by macfanboy November 7, 2009
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(adj.) pertaining to an individual who would utilize their blackberry at the level of addiction, or someone you know totally would if they actually had a blackberry. commonly someone involved in finance, business, or being a tool.
"how was your date last night?"
"oh my god, he was like totally crackberry"
by tesst November 19, 2007
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this is the term given to ones blackberry when they become addicted to it and use it excessively
Nathans been using that damn crackberry way too much
by tJortE February 11, 2011
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A name for a Blackberry device, when an owner becomes far too dependant on it, as if they were addicted to it like it was a drug.
Matt: What kind of phone do you have?

Chris: Blackberry.

Matt: Me too. I love it it's so conveniant.

Chris: I know. I can't live without it. I'd die without my Crackberry.
by B3player89 December 17, 2008
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Name referring to a BlackBerry, the phone that lost his popularity since the introduction of the iPhone. As many users find the iPhone way more convenient and durable, the shitty BlackBerry was referred to as crackberry.
F*ck, my Blackberry is not working anymore
"I know, those bloody Crackberrys! We should switch to another phone"

Hey, why is nobody using PINmessaging anymore?
"Why are you still using your old fashioned crackberry?"
by DutchGuy November 25, 2013
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