Will probably be a narcissist, drop out of university, become Mormon, get married as a teenager, and have a kid before 23.
"I was gonna become a nurse but my mom fucking named me Coraline."

"Hi my name's Coraline and I have daddy issues."
by cartwheelsfreaklikeme September 13, 2020
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An amazing movie from 2009 that NOBODY KNOWS FOR SOME FUCKING REASON
person 1: can we watch coraline?
person 2: what's "coraline"?
person 1: ...
person 2: what is it?
person 1: thisiswhatswrongwiththeworld
by fuk u i'm better June 27, 2018
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a bad ass movie that is so fucking cool, i loved it, it was awsome, like nightmare before christmas was too
coraline is a bad ass movie
by Jessica + Russell <3 March 9, 2009
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A girl, who can be simple and sweet, and totally loving, or can be a total bitch. She's only nice to you if she likes you, and hates it when you talk to either her friends or boyfriend. She can go from sweet and nice to a total and complete bitch in less than a second.
Cody: Dude, my girlfriend is such a Coralin!
Chris: What do you mean? Is she a bitch or really nice?
Chris: Damn, you got Coralin'd. I feel bad for you bro.
by Jesus, Black Jesus March 3, 2013
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a movie that a bunch of people (including grown-ass adults) think is super scary even though its for children. it is based on the book caroline Neil Gaiman and the movie is directed by Henry Selick. very good watch and not that scary, despite what people might've said.
"hey man wanna watch coraline?"
"no dude that movie is scary"
"what, its made for babies grow up"
by bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh5 June 19, 2020
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