A 2020 breadtube metaphor for the mental gymnastics conservatives must undergo to adjust to the shattering of their bubble by leftists. (A pun on opium). Most closely associated with breadtube Youtuber Vaush.
Lmao did you see conservative twitter after the Vaush-Tim Pool debate? Inhaling copium by the gallons lmao.
by Flakey Soyboy October 31, 2020
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A metaphorical opiate inhaled, when they're being faced with loss, failure, or defeat. This is especially in sports, politics and other tribal and intensified settings. They tend to do this in situations that go terribly for them, and is usually the first thing often and done by Baby Boomers, rude and overly LibLeft teens with a bad education, little children, and (Faked by) trolls, when they go on the internet

The effects of copium include, but are not limited to: extreme rationalizations/Unrational for the defeat, outlandish theories of conspiracy supposedly perpetrated by the opposing side, extreme rage directed at the other side, unconvincing allegations of fraud and abuse in the system, and rejection of the system as a whole. Symptoms can also leak out into the real world, which include: Aggressive acts of vandalism, blockage of streets and highways, destruction of buildings and stores, Destruction on windows for no reason, Graffiti that tells their claim in a straightforward way, and occasionally scenes of murder or flinchings or suicide
Supporters of the losing candidate claim they didn’t legitimately lose the election; they say it was due to foreign interference and election fraud. They’re clearly high on copium. This is a very troublesome time, indeed
by ♥🗺☠ October 1, 2021
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A substance well known by the silksong waiters
"Silksong is out guys"
"Bro you inhaled too much copium"
by I am not real August 22, 2023
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This is the chemical that all fatherless jellybean subscribers need. Anyone who is a furry or like dream need this. Now stop reading dumb shit on this site and get some copium.

(My friend did this guys)
by tybzm August 5, 2022
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The drug of choice for leftist in the political spectrum delivered by the mainstream media. This mind altering drug is delivered in the form of indoctrination and is consumed in copious amounts on a regular basis. There is no rehabilitation for copium.

Signs and symptoms of copium consumption include but are not limited to: Dying your hair nontraditional colors, screaming into a crowd, debating with feelings and no facts, using supposition as science and inability to form rational thoughts.
Since the 2016 federal election in the United States, CNN has been dealing copium to it's viewership in the hopes of creating a narrative that it's flock will mimic.
by Somanysheep January 14, 2021
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Although associated with the 2020 presidential election outcome in the U.S., the term "copium", as an allegory for a mental opiate (see also: self deceit) has been around for some time.

Copium (= cope opium) as a word surfaced in latter part of the 2010's after "hopium" (= hope opium) ran out of traction in commonly used online vocabulary.

Copium, much like its predecessor hopium, is a metaphor for something that the person proverbially takes to keep their last shreds of sanity stitched together in a dying world that serves no sense, meaning or purpose.
"If there's no more opium or hopium, you can always try scraping some copium from the bottom of the barrel!"
by Tainted Tincture October 4, 2021
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Liberals with bad hair cuts

according to RC - @therightcorner on tiktok

by Just_a_simp December 14, 2022
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