Popular sex games created on the game platform called ROBLOX

Scented Con
Bannable and Fira created 'Condo' games
ROBLOX 'Condo' is fun!
Are 'Condo' games illegal?
by Jason!!!!!!! October 26, 2020
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As I've seen it in my general opinion Condos are basically everything good about the world all put into that one location. Everything you could possibly want just put inside a excellent little Hotel they call a Condo. Now these "Condos" are what you'll find to be so called "Paradises" especially if they're in the West Coast of the United States.

Here is an Example of what you'll find in a Condo...
- Pools

- Suits

- Computers

- TVs


So the next time you think that Bill Gates is the "Happiest Man On Earth" think again. You know he is just bastardizing this whole world. Just know that there are people who are happier then him. So stop acting like a damn Sheep.

Condos are what should lead you to success.
by A-Suliven October 4, 2007
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adj. Affecting an air of snobbish urbanite nature.

When on her way to the bar, Theresa wanted to stop by her place to pick up her puppy first. Theresa is so condo!
by Eatmoreokra September 16, 2008
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Tall building with many rooms
American: There's her condo

Mexican: Hay su condo
by frabrizio March 1, 2017
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Why, that's a mighty nice condo you have!
by b53 June 24, 2005
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Fat, obese, pudgy. In possession of a spare tire, paunch, or beer belly.
I'm not looking forward to going condo when I get old.
by Big boned not fat January 1, 2010
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