female name mostly used in south east asian countries.
Where did Chinny go?; Chinny is so cute....
by nicarukooagua May 13, 2009
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Used to announce a happy occasion, or to alert your friends to a very attractive person walking your way.
"Dude, I just got paid, I'm going to the club and I'm gettin' fucked up! Chinnie!"
"Damn, check her out..Chinnie!!"
by Justyn March 15, 2005
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*NOT* Created in Boston, Lincs, UK circa 1987. In wide use in Portsmouth, Hants by 1970's school kids.

To express sarcastic disbelief or incredulity at the actions of another.
"I found ten quid yesterday"

"Yeah, chin-ny". Often accompanied with a ruminating rubbing of the chin. Also "Yeah, chin-wag".
by JohnnyMalaria January 23, 2005
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the copper with the big chin who beats up little kid
"fuckin hell chinny caught be graffin and he kicked the shit out of me"
by james the 3rd September 22, 2005
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to be superior
to be arrogant
to be correct and openly tease others that were wrong
david hardy is so fucking chinny!
hes such a chinny wanker!
Miller gorrilla! kerrilla gorilla !chinny reckon chinny chin chin!
by Barry Quantril January 28, 2003
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An offensive term for a chinese person who thinks their indian
That chinny is always hanging out with those chiggers and crackers.
by mike gamman January 15, 2007
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When a girls giving you head and you pull your dick out and tickle her chin.
she screamed when i gave her the chinny
by koochiemanne December 8, 2006
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