Insult used to discribe the Vespa (ha ha) scooter due to it's ugliness and comparisons to a laquered snail.
1. You chicken coop riding queer.
2. Lets set that chicken coop on fire, it offends me.
3. I'd rather drink my own vomit than ride a chicken coop.
4. Thats a fast coop, it passed me doing 15 miles per hour.
by fleafleaflea September 17, 2006
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The female equivalent of "Blue Balls." When a female has not had sexual intercourse over an extended period of time, her eggs begin to build up in her overies much like a chicken coop that has not been emptied.
"Girl if I don't get the 'D' anytime soon, I'm going to turn into a chicken coop."
by The Real Merriam-Webster March 2, 2015
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Venue for the use of illegal drugs, usually the bedroom of one's home during a party.
If you are looking for the chicken coop, it's the last bedroom on the right.
by kurtbuscemi July 20, 2009
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The state of being extremely high.
Being high so as to loose awareness of your surroundings and motor skills and general delirium.
1. Oh shit, I am in the chicken coop.
2. This shit will get you in the chicken coop (referring to reefer).
by C-note October 25, 2004
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1.a cock filled with sperm from not having sex
2.a slutty girl who is pregnant
1.dude my chicken coop has been full for 2 weeks! chicken coop is full i just found out.. i shouldnt have went to that party man..
by a crazy american January 31, 2010
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When you have sex with a farmer and he takes a chicken and fingers it. Then the chicken lays eggs and you stick them up her ass. After, she poops out scrambled eggs. Enjoy.
Dude, last night, i had a fresh cooked chicken coop meal!
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