Ashley, a hot heavy metal chick, and I headbanged to some Morbid Angel and then we fucked to some Emperor.
by Animicantus December 22, 2009
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any female who listens to any form of heavy metal,
very atractive
purly EPIC
not a bitch nor slut
does not act like the world revolves around them

not annoying
usualy smart dude freindly
stephen: ey, u know that girl lauren

antonio: yeah, why?

stephen: shes an epic metal chick

antonio: what does she listen to?

by s0urstopsign July 30, 2010
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a chick who is either disgusting or is only into the music becuase her boyfriend is in to
d00d3:do you see the ugly "metal" "chick"
bR0s3F: yeah she's fucking disgusting
bR0: do you see the one with the immortal shirt
bR0SkI: yeah she's hot
d00D3 bR0: i bet her boy friend is a really cool guy
by long don November 19, 2008
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