Noun: an Über-douche; one who is deliberately ostentatious; lacks self-awareness; obnoxiously loud; frequent hash tag user; admirer of Ryan Lochte.
Bryan, who owns every season of Entourage on dvd, is a total chaunce.
by Kataar Snyburch June 14, 2013
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Mystical creatures that dwell in college dormitories. Often put off stenches that pervade even the most sanitary environments. Chaunces are slow, make little sense in their actions, chaunce around all day, and may become violent if perturbed. Chaunces often live in dark, cavernous rooms and take no notice to their own foul odors. Beware of contact with Chaunces, they often irritate others or become extremely violent in nature.
That Chaunce is ridiculous, he does nothing all day.

Chaunce smells like shit, I guess it's because he just chaunces around all day like a chaunce.
by Gibralter April 21, 2006
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n. An individual that removes themself from social interaction with other individuals, or avoids going to public places with friends, co-workers, family, etc.
v. The act of being a chaunce
n. I invited Jason to the party, but he's not gonna come. He's such a chaunce.
v. He chaunced out last night.
by kcgreene June 25, 2010
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To be irritated, or to feel put upon. Sometimes this irritation is peppered with an undercurrent of feeling one was cheated out of what they deserve.
I was fuckin chaunced when those dicks at the drive through didn't give me ketchup.... AGAIN.....
by FionaB May 26, 2013
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Anything. This word can mean anything you want it to. It can be bad or good. Mean or nice. It doesn't matter.
Hey, are you gonna chaunce it up?

Crap! I chaunced that test!

Go chaunce yourself!
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A word that you call someone instead of their name. Can be used with an insult. Originated from Dr. Do-Little, when the old lady is yelling at "Chauncey" her dog, at the vet. Not to be confused with Chancy
by kelsey stojk January 14, 2006
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