lillith: i like cavetowns music
edna: hes such a sweet guy
edith: cant argue with that
by charl1e February 17, 2021
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A songwriter and singer who makes (kind of when you think about lyrics when your bored..) depressing music. Who knew depression could be so nice sounding? Me!
Person 1 "I just heard "Deviltown" by Cavetown.

Person 2 "Yeah. I listen to that when I'm having a mental breakdown. So basically 24/7.
by ClaraBug2007 April 1, 2021
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Cavetown is the best singer ever, his voice is like an angel and anyone would love his personality. Robin Skinner (cavetown) is very talented, he rights and produces his own amazing songs, Robin's lyrics in any song are so beautiful and they have such an amazing meaning behind them.
M: Do you know Cavetown?
D: oh, isn’t that the devil town dude on tiktok?
M: No, he is way more than that and i knew him before his song got popular on tiktok, he is my favourite person in the whole world, even though i haven’t even met him, *stabs D*.

D, did not pass the vibe check.
by BaggyJeans October 30, 2021
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Getting cancelled for saying something offensive to a group that you secretly belong to, forcing you to tell people your identity to avoid backlash.
Person 1: Did you hear? John got in trouble for saying the f slur
Person 2: Didn’t he have to come out as gay after that? Getting cavetowned must suck.
by ajshdhejw October 14, 2021
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Cavetown is the best singer of all times and his music is so good u will cry
“Cavetown is awesome
by Emotastical bbgb May 17, 2022
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Cavetown - aka, Robin Skinner - is a singer song writer and makes such amazing songs such as: This Is Home, Devil Town, Meteor Shower, Lemon Boy, etc.
His songs are PERFECT btw lol
Person 1: hey have you heard of Cavetown?
Person 2: no I haven’t yet
Person 1: you should listen to him, he’s amazing!
by ThatOneTransBtxch November 23, 2021
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