To die / pass away / expire. Usually used only for humans but will probably find its way to being used for animals and batteries.

Can simply be shortened to "Cark"
"You'll never believe this, he could just cark it!"
by Nested Elevator September 14, 2007
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A cover-up word for cunt or cock. Used when inappropriate language cannot be used, and is replaced by cark.
"I had sex with your girlfriend!"

"Your such a cark!"

by amyaniamaddy March 23, 2009
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To hit something or someone bluntly, especially in the head. It's derived from the sound made when a blunt object hits someone in the head.
Don't steal my chips or I'll cark you with my chemistry book.
by Rodney Skinner July 26, 2011
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(Kark-ness)-(Pl)(Adj)(F) The common ground on which the oddness or crackness of 2 people are very similar.
Dot and Spot are messed up with their carkness.
by Violet P. September 10, 2006
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An animal that was found in the Black Sea. A mixture of a crab and a shark.
The Cark was crawling in the ocean depths.
by Dael Emerson January 31, 2010
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