help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help
"i can't do it anymore" - me
"me either" - you
by help me help me help me May 24, 2023
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A fact known to all men and universally discredited by women.
"The dog needs to go out, right away" she said, as he was balancing on the top of rung the ladder, not only changing the bulb but cradling the fragile glass globe. "And please take the towels out of the dryer, before they start to smell moldy."

"I can't do two things at once" he replied, but she could not hear him, polishing her nails, talking to her mother on the phone and finalizing the Etsy order for Kleenex box holders, reminding him... "I need you to tell me which of these patterns you prefer".
by Monkey's Dad August 30, 2023
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The thing your friend says when he obviously lost the argument
Lucas Dude Cmon it's obvious.
Munir I can't do this with you right now.
by Fogabolt October 11, 2019
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A phrase to describe a situation that shouldn't have been able to happen to begin with but through the pettiness of the universe, did happen.
*At work I reached up to grab a sandwich box, the spring attached to the box holding mechanism broke causing all the boxes to fall onto the ground and knocking over food in the process.*

Me: Well, you can't do that with a regular spoon.
by Androk January 7, 2019
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A "hip" expression of the 1960's-70's that advises you not to do something risky unless you are willing and able to accept the full weight of the consequences.

Ironically popularized by the theme song to the TV show "Baretta" starring Robert Blake.
Fred: "I'm losing my license for drunk driving..."

Charlie: "Quit complaining! You know what they tell you: 'don't do the crime if you can't do the time!'"
by PJ Poppyjoe July 4, 2005
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An Internet Meme from the quote Wolf used in Starfox 64.
Often comes after something said by another person.

The word "Do" In the meme is commonly changed to whatever the topic relates to, Like "Can't let you eat that." Etc, Etc, Etc...

Usually used in sarcasm or to be annoying. Most people don't take it seriously, because it's really not.
n00bs will usually go all "N00b-Fu" On you if you use it at the wrong time though.

Protect your e-Crotch.
Robber: THIS IS A HOLD UP! *Points a gun*

Guy (Talking to another guy): So, I'll meet you at the cafe in ten minu-
Random guy (Interupting): CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT!
by Natarii Shinichi April 18, 2009
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a quote from the legend himself, simon.b.k. He was having an epic beatbox battle with a pal, when suddenly he was faced with a challenge to for even the legend, the idol, a man of much respect and honor. He.... *cries in shame* could in fact not do the waterdrop sound effect :(
by sara779j May 10, 2020
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