An overtly/stereotypically masculine or masculine-acting woman. can be used to denote an individual, or the dominant role in a lesbian relationship. Mostly people named Selena are butches
You see Selena over there?!

she's a total Butch!
by swagmf February 25, 2015
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The usual lumberjack-looking woman.
That butch over there scared my boyfriends ass off!
by happytimes! May 13, 2009
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It’s practically the same as bitch. But you don’t use it as in an insult. You use it to greet your friends
Melina: “Good morning butch how u slept?”
by Helena<3 March 22, 2021
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A very manly women.
A woman with manly features.
Brett: Ew. She's so butch.
Holly: Just like you.
Ashley: Exactly.
by Holly. October 7, 2007
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Deviation of the word botched. Butched comes from WSU's cougar mascot Butch. Whenever the cougars are having a poor season, everytime they screw something up it is referred to as "They butched it."

1. To Fuck Up.
"Man he totally missed that field goal. Yea, he butched it."
by CougarFan2k6 March 9, 2006
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A female who seems to have a very manly personality &&/or physique.

Danitza:"HAHAHA She's suchhh a butch."
by Breeface December 26, 2005
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A woman that loooks very manly.
Damn, Breanne looks pretty butch today!
by Cody Sommer March 21, 2006
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