Bullyism is like racism, racism is the act of being racist. Bullyism is the act of bullying others. It’s just a fun, quirky way to say it.
by wulfyyyyy September 23, 2019
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When youre bullying someone
The kid punched another kid that would be considered bullyism.
by mediocre wayne January 25, 2018
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When you bully someone and they do not know how to properly say the word "bullying".
Derek looked at her saying, "That's bullyism!"
by shvsukii April 18, 2022
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Etymology - "Bullyism" comes from "bully" + "ism" (based on "totalitarianism", "communism", "socialism", "capitalism", etc.)

Bullyism - It is said of a country, a State, a nation, a government acting as a bully on a global/international scale.

Some countries impose their views, policies, and perspectives on other countries, using threats of sanctions, embargos, coup d'État, and interferences in internal affairs of weaker countries, in order to take their resources and take control of their economic, political and strategic positions. This behavior is the essence of bullyism. Those countries are often hiding their true intentions behind the mask of democracy and human rights to bully the weaker countries.
United States embody this notion perfectly. They apply bullyism to control other countries.
by Grammaticus November 30, 2016
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