A guy friend who surpasses best friend. A bro who is known for 10+ years. Practically brothers, you can even go to each others family and no one will turn a head.
James: Dude i love going to your family reunions, except for when your ugly cousin Gertrude hits on me. Thank god we're bromies so i could make the excuse that we're like family.

Austin: I know right, same with with your ugly sister Tyler.

James: I'll drink to that dawg.

Austin: True...True! To bromies!
by Bromie-o August 28, 2009
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it's an amalgam of the words brother (or bro) and homie.
Ay yo, watch me spit game at this dime piece bromie.
by J-Lite July 29, 2005
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A best friend, a person you are close to, or even an animal you love.
Someone who means a lot to you and will always be there for you.

A person you can turn to.
Scott had always been my Bromis.
I love hanging with my Bromis.
My Bromis and I are so tight.
by Denis Maze May 25, 2017
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When a guy has a really good friend that is more than a bro and a homie
You can be my wing man any time bromie.
by creature magee November 30, 2010
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A combination of Bro and a Homie. That guy who's got your back when things get rough. The spoon to your cereal, the case for your phone. He went from your Basic Homie to your Brother. Now he's your Bromy... The perfect dude to hold your beer - Watch this Bromy, hold my beer!
Wassaapp! Bromy? Pass me that beer! You've got my back Bromy?
by Bitbromy February 26, 2018
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when you wanna smash your homie and aren't gay
I sucked my Bromies meat so hard it fell off
by thiccpotao May 11, 2021
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What a girl's boyfriend may call his guy friends, when to you, bromies are HIS friends you refer to BedRoom Only homies. The guys who act like a guys friend when really they are sleeping with thier friends girlfriends.
Eg. So tonight we are hanging with Eric. My fave BROmies of Brandon's. We are gonna oogle each other all night in front of Brandon, then when Brandon crashes it'll be me & my fave Eric. ;)
by nunyabiznezzus November 26, 2013
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