The point in a relationship where one first farts in front of the other
The honeymoon must be over, Tim felt comfortable enough to break the fart wall in bed, last night. This better not escalate to Dutch ovens any time soon..
by MILK27 June 13, 2018
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Whenever characters in movies/video games/cartoons/other interact with the audience in some way
Guy watching movie: this character sucks
character in movie: *Looks at the guy* No i dont!
Guy watching movie: the f***? thats breaking the fourth wall!
by JTube March 26, 2019
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In a piece of fiction, eg. a comic, novel, or theatre, for a character to acknowledge the fact that they are fictional.
looks like <comic author's name> finally learned how a 16 year old girl should look
by A guy called James January 17, 2005
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Commenting about facebook on facebook, or when a group of people are having a discussion in a comment thread, and someone comments with, "This is the best/worst comment thread!"

Interrupting the flow of conversation and your suspension of disbelief that you actually have a social life.
Dickwad Dave: Fuck yea, I made waffles this morning. And took a picture.

Cunt Julia: Hope you enjoy your waffles Dave, as they're the last ones you get to eat without knowing you have HIV. Oh by the way, about last night, I HAVE HIV.
You and 127 like this.

Dickwad Dave: Jokes on you Cunt, I wore a condom! Now they're righteous waffles.

Cunt Julia: You drunk slobbering fuck, you tried to wear a magnum condom on your midget dick and just ended up stuffing the condom up into my twat like god damn canon packing.

Dickwad Dave: Fuck you whore! Why'd you let me fuck if you're an infested skank!

Cunt Julia: Me being half passed out in the guest bedroom does not count as "Let you fuck" you god damn rapist.

Worthless William: Best comment thread ever

Urban Dick: Fuck Bill, stop breaking the facebook wall. I was enjoyin' this fuckin show
by Ticktok December 28, 2012
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When after an evening of Facebooking between someone and you in the same house, they break the fifth wall and come and talk to you in person.

Worse if they talk to you about things on Facebook
Oh God, No, I can hear them getting up at the same time....we're going to go into the hallway together...can I..stall? shit, too late!

Urban Dictionary told me that the "Example should include the word "Breaking the fifth wall"" and I'm fine with that.
by butrsouffi May 18, 2011
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Making such a deep and universe-transcending reference, that one references metaphysical limitations or extrapolations, culminating in a mind-blowing experience. Called the eleventh wall because it references the idea in String Theory that there are 11 dimensions.
"So I was Breaking the Eleventh Wall so badly when I was telling my friend about how everything from poop to quantum mechanics demonstrate the metaphysical connections to reality."

-Some Random Guy On a Street
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