A common insult, used by those on the libertarian side of the political compass, to describe authoritarians.
Authright person: we need the government to restrict the power of the people.

Libright person: whatever bootlicker!

Authleft person: the means of production should be in the hands of the government so that they may distribute it to the people at there discretion.

Libleft person: shut up bootlicker before i stomp your face into the pavement!
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A word which originally meant "someone who praises or sucks up to an oppressor" - now it has been repurposed by idiotic ACAB supporters and dirty communists to mean "anyone I disagree with".
Normal Person: I don't think all cops are bad tbh, saying all cops are bad for the actions of a few is like saying all black people are criminals because a few of them smoke weed and rob stores.

Stupid Cunt: hOWS tHaT bOoT tAstE bOoTlicKer?!?
by 121gws January 9, 2021
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A term that "oppressed" people use -- who are often lazy, stupid, failures -- to counter someone who presents a logical argument against their nonsensical opinion.

In the user's mind, it's meant to be synonymic with "slave," "coward," or perhaps "pussy."

They often claim the person to which it's used against is a conformist and doesn't care about the struggles of others when, in fact, they understand entirely.

Those who the term "bootlicker" is used against often exercise reasonable, logical thinking while the user allows useless emotions to fill the empty space between their ears.
"You support the police? Man, you're such a fucking bootlicker!" -Simplistic People
by Crim91 June 12, 2020
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A term antifa pussies use to describe anyone who doesn't agree with them.
My grandma just told me she changed her mind and is voting for Trump now, she's a fascist bootlicker.
by HandyRandy September 18, 2020
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A Bootlicker is an insult employed by the authoritarian left, against the liberal left and right. The accusation is that the liberals are supporting the authoritarian right.
The current social hierarchy is holding on bootlickers. They are in the way of our utopian dream.
by SpaceSpider March 8, 2019
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A term used by fragile internet leftists towards anyone that is in favor of law and order and supports meritocratic economics.
Person1: I want to work hard and achieve my own success for myself rather than having everything provided to me and I don't think burning down buildings as a "protest" should be allowed.

Person2: NAZI BOOTLICKER FASCIST (insert more buzzwords here)!!! GO LICK JEFF BEZO'S BOOTS!!!!! I am 15 and am very smart!!! (Inset topical political hashtag here)
by reasonableperson111 October 20, 2020
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1. A person who thinks everyone having autonomy of their own money is a nice thing, and that deadly, powerhungry dictators are a bad thing.

2. People who think judging the entire police force on the actions of a few is retarded.
Jim: "Help officer, that man stole my wallet."

Robin: "Ugh, of course you'd go to the police to protect your precious wealth, you bourgeois, bootlicker, 40% dog 1312 A CAB SHOOT..." *falls on the floor in a fit of incoherent rambling*
by CuteBoy56 May 30, 2019
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