The traditional slang definition of "Bogart":

To hold on to a joint too long without passing it on. Comes from the fact that Humphrey Bogart used to smoke like a train in his movies. So the person holding on to the joint too long is said to be "bogarting" it.

Other people may use this word for other purposes nowadays, but this is the traditional slang definition. Its use in this context was probably first documented in popular culture in the 1968 song "Don't Bogart Me" by The Fraternity of Man, featured in the "Easy Rider" soundtrack
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me.

Roll another one
Just like the other one.
This one's burnt to the end
Come on and be a friend.
by The ghost of George Hanson December 23, 2009
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Humphrey Bogart smoked all those cigarettes. He died from lung cancer. When you hang onto a joint and let it burn without sharing, you look like Bogart with his perennial smoke dangling from his lips. The term had no popularity until it became a hit song in the 1970's.
Don't Bogart That Joint
Lyrics: Lawrence Wagner
Music: Elliot Ingber

Played by Little Feat's Paul Barrere and Bill Payne with Phil & Friends. The original verson (on the soundtrack of "Easy Rider") was by Fraternity Of Man. It was subsequently covered by Little Feat.

Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me

Roll another one
Just like the other one
You've been holding on to it
And I sure will like a hit


Roll another one
Just like the other one
That one's burned to the end
Come on and be a real friend


by Chris Zizzo April 21, 2008
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1. to greedily covet something to the point of paranoia, even when among friends;
2. to knowingly and covertly attempt to consume a larger share of the communal weed than is proper, at the expense of one's homeboys/girls.


Refers to characteristics displayed by the actor Humphrey Bogart in his portrayal of Fred Dobbs in the 1948 motion picture, 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.' Dobbs is selfish and distrustful of his friends and attempts to hoard for himself the gold that he and his companions discover while prospecting in Mexico.
In the movie, Bogart's character, Dobbs, and his two prospecting buddies strike gold! The minute they do, however, Dobbs becomes super greedy, selfish, and paranoid. When he is the one selected to go into town for supplies, he freaks out:

Dobbs: Why am I elected to go to the village? Why me instead of you and Curtin? Oh, don't think I don't see through that. You two've thrown in against me. The two days I'd be gone would give you plenty of time to discover where my goods are, wouldn't it?

Later, they're sitting around a campfire after having split up the gold from their claim. Dobbs is off the reservation at this point and convinced the other two are planning to take his share after he falls asleep:

Dobbs: Let's see, three times 35 - is a hundred and five. I'll bet you 105,000 dollars that you go to sleep before I do...

He is threatening to kill them and take their gold if they fall asleep. In other words, he is bogarting the shit out of that gold.
by dannybegs October 29, 2013
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v. To hog something which is supposed to be shared, worde.g./word, a wordbone/word or wordcontroller/word.
n. A person who bogarts
n. The act of wordbogarting/word.
Quit bogarting the j, foo. Pass that sucka.
by e-vis October 6, 2003
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To keep a spliff to oneself to oneself, especially while hanging from your mouth. From actor Humphrey Bogart's trademark cigarettes, held in lips or hand, but rarely actually smoked.
by Phil Nurse September 5, 2003
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the act of hogging something to the point of annoyance
jeffrey, stop bogarting and let me fucking sleep on the mini mattress this time
by jake sanchezz April 30, 2008
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Verb. To selfishly hold on to something. Jocular usage heard amongst smokers of marijuana.
Come on Frank! Don't bogart that joint, we all want to get stoned sometime tonight.
by MoonCricket November 26, 2004
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