the act of hogging something to the point of annoyance
jeffrey, stop bogarting and let me fucking sleep on the mini mattress this time
by jake sanchezz April 30, 2008
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The act of hogging the marijuana delivery device.
You're not bogarting if you're smoking alone.

She didn't mean to be bogarting, but she often smoked alone.
by Sharic October 20, 2014
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Verb. To selfishly hold on to something. Jocular usage heard amongst smokers of marijuana.
Come on Frank! Don't bogart that joint, we all want to get stoned sometime tonight.
by MoonCricket November 26, 2004
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To keep for oneself, to hog or not share.
Phrase from Country Joe and the Fish's song way back when, "Don't bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me."
by Soozie Cue April 20, 2008
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(Verb transitive form of bogart see bogart. This is the form used for an action in progress. When someone is committing a bogart.
"Dammit Jason! Stop bogarting my X-Box controller! It's my turn to play Halo!"
by Endymion Chiba September 11, 2003
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To use up/hold on to something long after your share is consumed/turn is over. Alternatively, to take control away from the person whose turn it is.
"Dave had included a link to a New York Times article, and Murphy bogarted the mouse in order to click on it as quickly as possible."
-- from "Into the Fire," by Suzanne Brockmann (Ballantine Books, 2008)
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To hog; to take something considered common property and not share with others
Dude, don't bogart the nachos!
by Anonymous September 1, 2003
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