your new cellmate you should be scared boi sorry
1# o my cellmate's name is big bubba

2# say your last words
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Someone who is big and muscular. Who looks like a walking burnt nugget. And has a meaty dick.
by Cats cats cats February 21, 2018
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Prison sex between big bubba and some other dude.Which is hella wrong,but in a way funny.
Gaylords batty men village people
two guy's bonin' early in the monin'
by thebestguyonearth January 22, 2005
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Big Bubba's prison bitch rentals in all the state prisons
Big Bubba's prison bitchs unlimited is the best prison bitch rental in the Texas state prison system. The skinny white child molester is the most in demand prison bitch until Leroy got too horny. Josh Duggar was Bubba's most prized piece of meat making Bubba a prison pimp millionaire. Poor Josh got every possible STD.
by queensburykid May 13, 2023
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A big fat black dude who will make you his bitch in prison. See for more.
If big gay bubba is your cell mate then prepare to have a sore asshole for a week!
by ZeroX January 31, 2004
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