In kazakh it's a short of Besbarmak - national kazakh meal, made of dough and lots of meat (usually horse meat). Bes means 5 and barmak - finger, five fingers, kazakhs used to eat it with their hands.
The boiled meat is usually diced with knives and mixed with boiled noodles.
My fav meal is besh. It's so delicious!
by EmInara January 9, 2012
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To get embaressed in front of a large amount of people.
Teacher:Where's your homework?

Student:i left it at home,in my room,sorry.

Teacher:So if i call your mom to check your room,she'll find it?


*calls mom*

Teacher:Your mom checked your room,no sign of any school work at all.

^Ultimate Besh^

can be used with.

Beshed on the spot!

Pure beshed man.


just got beshed fool.

beshality bro.

Ugh i got in trouble last night.

response:dude,you got beshed by your parents?
by ummabadda July 4, 2006
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used to mock someone, can be used in between words or by itself. created by Council of Men (COM)
John: I can put you in the hospital

Will: besh besh hospital besh besh
by ilovegibby December 10, 2019
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Noun: referring to someone very close to you, like a best friend. Someone who shares the same interest with you.
My besh likes to play golf with me.
by Sam Sahl November 25, 2009
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"hey isaac do you want to go to the shitter and have bare besh"
"yeah fam"
by bigblackdaddy69 February 20, 2022
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