Bob: Why are Justin Biebers fans called beliebers?
Steve: Because it's not politically correct to call them Retards.
by Stuey Base April 4, 2015
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1. A die hard fan of Justin Bieber.
2. A hypocrite
BiebersGaahl: Beliebers love haters! lololol!
Normalkid415: I don't really like Justin Bieber's songs.
BiebersGaahl: OMG! You fucken haterrr! Die!!!!
Normalkid415: WTF?
by Normalkid415 December 12, 2012
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Belieber fans of Justin Beiber who are usually between the ages of 8-12 and female. If you say anything even remotely negative toward Justin they will send you death threats via the Internet, but most of them will not say anything bad when their parents are around. They don't want to get grounded.
Normal functioning human: Justin Beiber's hair looks off
by Ligma Cheese September 3, 2018
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1. A Person who worships Justin Bieber.
2. A Person who is obsessed with Justin Bieber.
3. A Hypocrite.
4. A Person with a very low IQ.

5. A Very annoying freak.
6. A Person who is infected with a deadly disease called "Bieber Fever".
7. An Idol Worshiper.
Belieber: Stop hating.
Disbelieber: Don't tell me what to do.
Belieber: No. You are going to stop hating.
Disbelieber: You will never get me to stop hating.

Belieber: Selena, I hate you. Go to Hell.
Disbelieber: You just told me to stop hating and yet, you go on hating others. You are such a Hypocrite.
by Bieber Hater 009023748 September 28, 2013
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A 'belieber' is a fan girl of teeny bopper sensation Justin Bieber. They are usually between the age of 10-15. A lot of them spend most of their life on Twitter where they:
-Tweet about how much they love Justin Bieber
-Shout-out other 'beliebers'
-Use a lot of tags like #ifollowback or #teamfollowback.

Other twitter users who are not beliebers (and/or above the age of 15) get rather annoyed by the insane amount of 'beliebers' on Twitter and counter act with tags like #Justinbeibersucks.

Beliebers are also well known for fainting at Justin Bieber concerts/appearances. They are also well known for covering their room and school books with pictures of Justin Bieber.
#bieberfact he said the best thing about his fans is that we all stick together as one big family. RT if you are from the belieber FAMILY
by Smashley91 July 4, 2010
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I came up with "Belieber Tease" - someone who claims to be intelligent, but on further investigation, is a diehard fan of the infamous Justin Bieber. Usually comes attached with various forms of "xxx" or "xoxo" in their social network usernames and IM names. Beliebers facebook posts, tweets, or IM messages also usually come laced with hideous spelling mistakes, and illegible forms of colloquialism and colloquial language.
-on twitter-

Ben - Ah, i just got a message from my new followers, IluvBiebs4evaxoxo - "iyarrr gawjuzz, u k? do u luff Biebz as much as mi? lol jkz, u cnt, i luff him bare loads, u jelly?"

Matt - Ahh, i see you've gained a Belieber follower!
by CompulsiveDribbler304 April 26, 2011
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To have an extreme case of mental vacancy. Common symptoms include OBD (obsessive bieber disorder). In extreme cases the affected individual will randomly orgasm when hearing the words: "Justin Bieber". It is believed that this disease was created in a laboratory in exchange for a Justin Bieber believe album. We would recommend dealing with patients by punching them in the face, this has the common side effect of shutting them up.
Person 1:"Justin Bieber"
Person 2(Belieber): (starts orgasming)
Person 3: (punches Person 2 in the face)
by nemokoccultus January 22, 2015
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