Big Pimpin Posse, a mad cunt group which lives on. A group of three memebers, one a white boy, one a Afghan and one who is the black power. Three Sexiest Cunts known to women.
BPP say, Lets do some chaddy lapz
by Coopey August 10, 2006
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Shortend word for Big Pudgy Penguin
Wow, thats a Big Pudgy Penguin
by Chris October 6, 2004
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British Petroleum Phail

Implies that there is a lot of failure involved in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Sue: "Wow, have you seen how BP has covered everything in oil? And they haven't even figured out a way to fix it!"

Sam: "Oh, you mean the company now known as BPP? All those poor animals. Phail."
by PallyGirl June 12, 2010
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A path outside a local ice cream shop in which many African Americans who do not have vehicles, or jobs for that matter decide to walk to the the local stores from the apartments. The amount of African Americans walking at an extremely slow rate like usual causes a well defined path created by dead grass. If the problem becomes extreme a Black Person Parkway can be created.
Chad: "Hey wanna get ice cream and people watch?"

Jeff: "oh sure but who are we gonna people watch?"
Chad: " All the blackies walking to get food on the Black Person Path (BPP)"
Jeff: "OH yeah I heard it might become a parkway soon"
by Jamaal23 January 22, 2011
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I just took a BPP... I’d wait a couple minute before going in the bathroom.
by JacRae420 January 19, 2021
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