Group/family from acreshome who are ran more so like a mafia rather than a gang, also associated with blessed movement records.
by Bmm/Bmr September 21, 2019
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Blows My Mind
Used in IM conversations, forum postings, fbook, texting, etc.
Not for use in daily speech.
The new Tokio Hotel album completely bmm.
The fact she would do such a thing bmm.
That eye rape completely bmm.
by OnceUponAKaulitz January 9, 2010
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You're at the bar late, you've been talking to a boy/girl for a while, you both know what's going to happen, but you're a little tipsy so you're not sure the mouths are going to match up, so you just plunge into the BMM without a care for who sees it.

Johnny didn't care who saw it; he and that girl were just BMMing last night.
by concernedhoya January 8, 2010
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Acronym for big mommy milkers
Lots of people use it in reference to some big ole titties
“I like bmm but small tits are cool too”
“Yeah Nicki Minaj has some bmm”
by Super swaggy ;) May 26, 2021
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