Big aunties who chug twisted teas with there stomach hanging out chillin on the Rez hoein around
Ehh cuzhin, your that auntie from last night was wild tuguy

Sippin teas w the aunties cha
by Bannock bum November 10, 2020
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desi origin refering to annoying desi middle aged women who like to spew virtue to younger desis. Most potent in the company of other aunties.
Why doesn't auntyji leave me alone!
by artist October 12, 2005
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A girl who looks more then her age.

A friendly mature women. Who is attracted to young men.

A mature women offering sexy looks to young men.

A Indian-Sub Continent equivalent of MILF.
I meet an Aunty while shoping in the market. Her looks was so temping.

I wish i could sleep with this Aunty.

Do you have the contacts of this Aunty who was shoping here last night.
by Sameer July 8, 2004
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A word to call someone's mum/dad's sister. So, a name for your aunt.
Person1: So.. What are you doing on the holidays?
Person2: Oh, I'm going to my aunty's house.
by Arquenniel September 26, 2010
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Colloquial and endearing term of reference for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). Implies a friendly and trusted old relative who can always be relied upon to be there for you. Often used by newspapers and magazines in the UK to refer to the BBC and allow the creation of otherwise nonsensical national headlines (see below).
Auntie proposes overnight shutdown.
Auntie in move to Manchester.
Auntie's licence fee cut by 25%.
by misselthwaite April 14, 2011
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