an apparent reason boner (opposite of a NARB).
i was walking past a hot girl and got a ARB.
by wootz2 November 30, 2007
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Short for arbitrary person not worthy of mention; when referencing the name of the person/thing is unnecessary.
"Remember that arb dancing with Danielle last night?!"

"Tony always talks to the most arb skos I've ever seen!"
by Danielle Ducre June 26, 2005
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Short for 'Arbitrary' - this acronym is used more commonly where the context of the word implies the likes of the target object/subject being 'random', 'strange', 'unusual', etc...
What an arb picture - looks like the guy's head is out of proportion with the rest of his body! And what's up with that pink porche in the background? Must be a photoshop.
by Dimitri Pappas July 22, 2008
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A common term used for saying hello or goodbye, can also be used as a verb 'arbing'
pronounced; er - bus
by samkushh February 25, 2019
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the act of getting a random boner
A Random Boner
by Elisa294543 February 10, 2011
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slang for breasts, other times used to refer to women with big breasts or to make fun of a guy with this characteristic.
Man she has nice arbs.
Do you think those arbs are coming over for the party?
Dude, Jacob has arbs.
by Muarbs October 17, 2009
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Apparent Reason Boning. The opposite of NARBing. Boning a chick for a reason.
Man, last night I ARB'd that girl I like.
by Osgrip1931 February 7, 2010
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