Speed taken in pill form once a day. Like a vitamin, but one that makes you think, move, and talk faster. Examples include Ritalin, Adderall, Caffeine, and Ephedrine. At one time humans obtained all the stimulation they needed from food, alcohol, and cocoa leaves. But in today's fast-paced culture, doctors recommend you take your amphetamins. (Adderall can even be chewed)
Bro: Dude, you all right? You take your amphetamins this morning? We gotta go blast our bis and tris at the gym in like five minutes. You better snort some; it'll hit you quicker.

Bro's Friend: Ok?

Bro: Sack up, Nancy. It's prescription.
by redbelt June 12, 2009
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A potent central nervous system stimulant that is very dangerous
These amphetamines make me want to do strange and sometimes disturbing things but it doesnt matter as it's a temporary reliever of depression and makes school bearable
by MyFleshIsAGhost March 16, 2019
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the past tense of feigning; living larger than those who are feigning
I think Toby and Kylie are amphetamining, they must have got the kootz last night, thank god for that they are both cunts when they are feigning.
by Special Fucking K May 13, 2020
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The difficulty choosing whether to finish your last line of speed, or keep it for a later time at the party.

Usually involves a fear of sadness of having no amphetamine left.
Man: Are you going to finish your last line of speed?

Woman: I don't know, I'm in an amphetamine dilemma
by Spaghetamine Regretamine January 9, 2017
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Used to treat ADHD as well as narcolepsy which is the act of falling asleep while in a relaxed state. Amphetamine Salts come in the form of a capsule or tablet. Usually last 4-6 hours for 25 mg and usually needs to take 2 pills to get the full 12 hours like Adderall 30mg XR does.

The dosages also come in : 5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg, 12,5mg, 15mg, 20mg, 25mg, and 30mg

Side affects in which are common in most stimulants are : nervousness, restlessness, excitability, irritability,agitation, dizziness, headache, fear,anxiety, agitation,tremor, weakness,blurred vision, sleep problems (insomnia), dry mouth or unpleasant taste in the mouth, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, hair loss, loss of appetite, weight loss, loss of interest in sex, impotence, difficulty having an orgasm, increase blood pressure,
increased heart rate, and heart palpitations.

High/ Concentration Dosage:

10-15mg is light in the motivation. Not much high
20-40mg is great concentration as well as much euphoric high
60-80mg is "highway speeds", no sleep, high as a kite!
100-120mg is blazing through books, absolutely not sleeping if you take it at night, rocket speeds!
I just popped 200mg of amphetamine salts and I want to fly out of a 20 story window and fly while ready a boring physics book.
by EazieWeezie February 27, 2018
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The politacally correct diffenition of a 'speed whore'. A female doper that trades sexual favors for crystal meth and other drugs. A dope skank.
Sally will do anything for meth, she is such an amphetamine prostitute.
by Itwillstrech January 30, 2009
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When you take some adderall and struggle to get hard while watching porn, ensuing a three hour time of self-exploration
amphetamine fap (n) - I took that adderall and fucked Ashley for like three hours, but I passed out before I came
by CronunDrum November 24, 2015
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