Amity, as referred to in Divergent by Veronica Roth, is one of the five factions. For this faction, you are known to be peaceful and kind.
Veronica was born into Dauntless, but felt as if Amity was more her way.
by _briiannuhh September 22, 2014
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a mixed region.. made up of woodbridge (rich jews) and Bethany (the awsome hicks) and there school has mold growing in it
by Andrew Pugliese March 4, 2004
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Beautiful no matter what anyone says. She’s hot and all the boys fall for her but I wouldn’t blame them. She’s a caring, kind, confident girl. If you know an Amity don’t ever let her go she is the most special person ever. She has a smile that will light up the world. She is stubborn at times. Amity is a beautiful girl everyone loves her
Boy:who’s that hottie
Girl:that’s Amity
by Tracey1 September 25, 2019
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gay asf, super sweet, but don’t be rude to her or her gf cause she’ll probably kill you (SPOILERS FOR S2 EP9: directed at you hunter )
some guy: “bro amity blight is kinda cute”
other person: “dude she’s gay”
other person: “and dating luz
some guy: “oh.”
by urmomsamilflol December 24, 2021
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Tall, gorgeous, so sweet if u ever meet her ur so lucky she’s absolutely incredible with hypnotizing eyes that are a dark cloudy sky blue color. Dirty blondes hair beautiful smile. She’s really sweet but mess with her and her BFF will come for you. A grammar freak
Someone: hey bro what’s up

Amity: you forgot a comma and period.
Amity: why are u looking at me
Anyone: sorry couldn’t help myself your so gorgeous
by Storrac2424 October 26, 2020
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Amitie is the best person you'll ever find in the world, she can be a little noisy sometimes but she's very fun to hang out with just don't get on the wrong side. She's also very hard to read so you can never really tell if she's having trouble with her life or she's having fun. Amitie is literally the best friend you ever want to have.
girl 1: OMG you're friends with Amitie?
girl 2 : Yea I mean she's so easy to talk with
girl 1: really I'm gonna try to talk to her as well
by anonym0ussy March 16, 2023
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This is my name. No I’m not a purple haired witch. No I’m not that one island, and NO I’m not named after a horror movie.
Amity is real cool
by Sciencegod_19 February 23, 2022
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