My personal favourite band becuase they're just the best! They have deep lyrics and great music, so whatever. You need to like them too! Davey is hot
Omg, davey of AFI is the most gorgeous man alive.
by Ilyena July 9, 2004
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At the moment, my favorite band. Been that way for a while.
No, I'm not a girl, I'm not gay, etc. But I still like AFI (even Sing the Sorrow).
by kaze2k5 January 19, 2004
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The best band to walk the planet, a truely unique group of guys. Worth checking out, they have an extremely hardcore but splendid fanbase. Not pronounce AFEE, so get it right. Insult them and I'll kill you.
by Nikki December 15, 2003
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The feeling one possesses that fuels their need to continue living though their current dilemma.
He felt a fire inside help guide him through strife.
by Waffle Man March 22, 2006
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A once amazing Punk Rock band that started out amazing and gradually becomes worse and worse and worse as time progresses.
Yo dawg, You hear A Fire Insides new album?

Yea, but AFIs new shit sucks sucks
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The way you feel when you get one of a number of STDs.
Damn, that bitch gave me the clap, now I got A Fire Inside.
by JMi August 3, 2004
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a hardcore punk band from ukiah, california formed in 1991.
did you see AFI? they really suck ass now and sold out!
by . g r e g . April 13, 2005
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