A random Facebook glitch that occurs on Android or computer when someone on iOS decides to use the heart emoji. Typically takes on the appearance of a red, outlined heart with a capital letter "G" right next to it.
Friend 1: OMG <3G <3G
Friend 2: please just use a normal heart
Friend 1: but i did
by fbuser~ January 4, 2014
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When 3 men fuck one woman. One fucking her orally, one fucking her anally, the other fucking her vaginally.
You see, mate, this woman wanna fuck me, Dave and Ben! How do we sort this out?

Is the answer not obvious? 3g, motherfucker!
by Diggidy Dawg March 29, 2017
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Someone whose name is spelled with 3 g's.
Someone who makes $3,000 a day.
He worked so many hours today that he's reached 3Gs status.
by Ty Williams February 2, 2008
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Slang for someone or persons who have the 3Gs of life "God Given Genes"
That girl who just walked by in that skirt, shes got 3Gs!
by Lee B August 25, 2006
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A semi-large group (or gaming clan)comprised of homosexuals and liars.
What a bunch of fags, they MUST be from 3g!
by anonymous April 13, 2004
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some newb clan.
You suck so much, you gotta be 3g material.
by spike October 23, 2003
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