If you meet anyone with this birthday, keep them with you. They are the cutest little beans and will always be there for you. Make sure to give this special person the love that deserve.
Keep this person born on October 29 forever!
by FFF. October 29, 2019
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Brett: Hey Nancie guess what day it is
Nancie: What?
Brett: National slap your sibling day

Nancie: Brett plZ dont
Brett: Sorry but I don’t make the rules October 29th does
by Butthole;) October 29, 2019
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this is the day where everyone talks in a British accent no matter where you are from
by BIGBOYGARRYY October 29, 2019
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"bro ima kiss my girlfriend everytime i see her because october 29 is national kissing day
by iphoneis lit October 28, 2019
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a.k.a. National October 29th Day. When you invent your own dumb-shit "national" / "international" / "world" holiday and act like people give a crap about your invented cause.
by America Lover 🇺🇸 October 25, 2019
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National yeet that one medium hight friend.... yeah, that one.
Tall friend “It’s October 29”
Medium friend “god no
Short friend “yes”
by lolololololboi October 29, 2019
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This is the day the most kind person was born. If your friends with that person you need to keep them as your bffl. Never let them leave. Don't hurt them.
Person 1: hey its October 29
Person 2: hey it's my birthday today

Person 1: ok bffl let's go hang out and I'll get you a gift
by Bffl November 2, 2019
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