The time everyday when you think about the person you really give a crap about and wish them all the happiness in the world.
Her: look at the time
Her friend: you thinking about him?
Her: it's 10:10 of course I am
by gwn.y June 10, 2019
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The time everyday when you think about the person you really give a crap about and wish them all the happiness in the world.
Her: look at the time
Her friend: you thinking about him?
Her: it's 10:10 of course I am
by gwn.y June 10, 2019
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we are meant to be โค you & me
i look forward to the day our eyes meet again

that day is soon, my love
miss you โค thinking of you -x-
10:10 you & me โค 10:10 forever
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The "10/10" is the day you wife him/her up, and begin your wonderful journey with your significant other, creating unconditional love ๐Ÿ˜Šโค.
She touched my wenis so I automatically hit her with the 10/10.
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The opposite of a 10-4, C-B radio talk..
Geeves: "I say, George, Would you care for another Toxic-Jager-Bomb"
George: Barf, Barf, "Thats a 10-10"
by ShearBags September 4, 2007
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10 10 rymes wif c u agen
dave" im just gunna go home now "
paul" oryt bud, il c u later "
sam" right 10 10 "
by baby davey February 21, 2008
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The year that the entropy of the universe following the heat death will cause a new Big Bang, resulting in a new universe, with more planets, stars, and other crap.
10^10^10^56 CE is when a new universe will be created.
by QwertyPixel February 10, 2023
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