A TikTok inside joke by Acrello.

Using the ๐Ÿช‘ emoji on TikTok means I are laughing yourself to death.
Joshy: Iโ€™M DYING ๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘
Lou: What.
by C u m December 27, 2022
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Used instead of โ€œ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ on tiktok.
by Shitasslolll September 13, 2021
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*Texting convo*

person 1: sry for not texting u back
person 2: ๐Ÿช‘
person 1: ok
by RailMe January 7, 2021
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The Chair, Chair Emoji, Tiktok Chair. Or ๐Ÿช‘ means. Satire, or Funny.
Spread accross Tiktok, Reddit, and Twitter.
"LMAO. ๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘"
Chair meaning, Funny. As shown with LMAO before it.
Chair meanint, Satire. The clown emoji is used widely on tiktok to show satire torwars certain groups of people such as.
"People have have a 1070 TI: ๐Ÿคก"

Chair ๐Ÿช‘: Satire, Funny
by TheWordArtist101 September 13, 2021
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A joke on TikTok where you use the โ€œ๐Ÿช‘โ€ emoji instead of regular laughing emojis like โ€œ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€. It was created just to mess with people
โ€œThat video was HILARIOUS ๐Ÿช‘โ€
Dude whyโ€™d you use the chair emoji ๐Ÿช‘?
by Itโ€™s_Nyx September 25, 2021
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The chair emoji is an inside joke on TikTok. The joke is to use the โ€œ๐Ÿช‘โ€ emoji in place of normal laughing emojis such as โ€œ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ or โ€œ๐Ÿคฃโ€, and it was made for the sole purpose of confusing users who have not seen the jokeโ€™s original video. So now that you know, be sure to play it cool, alright ๐Ÿช‘
Comment 1: โ€œLOL this video has me dying ๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿช‘โ€
Comment 2: โ€œWhatโ€™s with all the chair emojis?โ€
Comment 1: โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€
Comment 2: โ€œThe chair emoji โ€œ๐Ÿช‘โ€?โ€
Comment 1: โ€œYou wouldnโ€™t get itโ€
by Itโ€™s_Nyx September 14, 2021
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