The age Jesus Christ (the central figure of Christianity) supposedly died at.
Some believed that Jesus died at 33, while it's also speculated that he died at 36 as well.
by CelticEagle February 13, 2019
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The percentage of sexually active highschoolers who will have intercourse with more than 4 people before gradcuation- often used as a replacement for the words slut, hoe, whore etc.
"I can't believe what a hoe you are! Laura, you're such a 33!"
by Liza P. February 28, 2009
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33 sometimes refers to anal sex, because it looks like 2 butts
We were 33ing all night.
by 33specials February 20, 2009
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Multiple hearts. See <3
The second heart is partially obscured by the first heart.
Aww, you're so sweet! <33
by AVGN May 16, 2016
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an emoticon used when roleplaying as a cat
AC: :33 < *ac perks up curiously*

AC: :33 < *she wiggles her rear end a bit and then chases something she s33s bounce into one of karkats shoes*
by tsundereCat [TC] June 2, 2017
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One of my favourite numbers it doesn’t rlly have a definition But it’s just a rlly good number
by Charlie_frogzz November 18, 2022
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This has two meanings. Three more than Thirty or in Arabic 3ala 3airy which means in English "On my penis". It is not actually used for that purpose but it usually means that I don't care. The definition was created by two guys in high-school.
"He didn't invite you to his house!"
by AKME June 7, 2013
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