sweg is what some people started using after others started saying swag was an acronym for secretly we are gay. but since then others have started saying sweg is an acronym for secretly we EAT gays which is not much better.
jonny: man that movie is said to be full of swag

blake: jonny you know what they say swag means
jonny: sorry man i ment sweg

blake: they say that means secretly we eat gays

jonny: GOD DAMMIT!
by BVB fan July 17, 2014
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Leggings made out of material used to make sweat pants. Therefore Leggings combined with sweats equals sweggings. Similar to jeggings which is leggings made out of denim or looking like denim.
Hey what are you wearing leggings? These aren't leggings they feel like sweat pants. No they are sweggings. I have 5 pairs of sweggings, they're perfect for fall
by RobotReese September 17, 2010
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An adjective; used mainly in western culture by mentally undeveloped teenage, blond haired assholes obsessed with their crappy hairstyle and who are secretly homosexual.

The word describes the shitty use of clothing and prefuse, pointless spitting while checking their own reflection.
Jake: ben, you've got sweg mate!
Ben: yeah i know brov. (whilst fiddling with his genitles in a crowded street)
by chavbuster February 24, 2014
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I term used by 12 year olds(mostly kids on Xbox) who are swag fags and think they are cool.
Oh my gosh Igotsomuchswag420 is such a sweg fag. Kid you should kill yourself!
by EzioReilly December 21, 2014
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A combined fart that smells both sweaty AND eggy. It is illegal in both North America AND South America.
Example 1: Jesus, dude, that is one bad sweg!


Example 2: Eww, you just swegged!
by MOARPWEASE July 7, 2009
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Pirate slang for fuck; A word used in a lot of different ways; can be used as a compliment, insult/threat, or the verb form
Your looking sweg today ;)

I'm going to fucking sweg you

Arrrrrgh!!! I'm going to fuck the sweg out of you
by Personofinterest$ September 18, 2013
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1. Adjective used to describe something in a positive way.

2. Similar to swag, but not as stupid

Opposite of Sped

See also, Swegway
Dude! that shot was Sweg!
by Turt13 L3g!0n June 13, 2014
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