A term used to describe a vile, fat ugly man or woman.

Jabba love to gorge on food, and make strange noises when they guzzle there food
"That Angel is such a Jabba"
by Glenn Griffiths August 25, 2006
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“Hey, we’re JABBA and this is cocoon
by Scottgordon12345 July 7, 2019
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To eat food while lying down, preferably while watching some form of entertainment. The word is derived from the base verb "jabba."
The girlfriend and I spent the entire weekend jabbaing to Lost reruns.
by itwasjeff February 1, 2016
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Jabba, quit eating KFC and go get the beer!
by Anonymous August 10, 2003
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The girl joel made out with in public. Also known to have a large vein on her breast that resembles a Crape Myrtle trunk.
The wing-man excuse has also been used for hooking up with her. She also is known to have a live cat living in her belly button, that repeatedly steals shoes and hides them in its lair.The party in question must weigh at least 350 lbs on the hoof.
Sam saw a girl in the bar who was a jabba.
by Cat Searcher April 28, 2008
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A term used in boxing derived from 'Jabber', it refers to someone steps into a ring who doesn't really know what they are doing, yet still seems to prevail, usually by luck or bending the rules.
"Yeah, you're not bad for a Jabba, but I don't think the world federation of boxing actually allow karate chops to the neck"
by LupisJusticia December 13, 2009
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A fat ass hutt who has no specific gender like all hutts
by why the fuck should I tell you October 28, 2003
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