1. A dirty or untidy state of things or place

2. The act of spending time in trifling activities
1. "I really need to clean house, its such a gom."

2. " I am going to go out in the woods and gom around."
by db cooper0009 June 21, 2018
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verb (found mostly in Appalachia, transitive): to make disorderly, unclean, messy

Related to British word : gahm(v): to cover in grease
Lord, you young'uns have gommed up the whole damnedhouse!
by AppWill July 26, 2009
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v. intr.

1. To act wastefully or foolishly

2. To make a mistake; bungle something.


1. person who acts wastefully or fullishly.
"I'd let Matt give out directions for the party, but he'd gom it up for sure!"
by Jarrod Lowe January 17, 2005
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Abbreviation for Get Off Me, usually used by gamers after making a noob move (beginner, bad, or stupid mistake) having the equivalent of my bad, back off, or leave me alone. The full word is used by some gamers in RL as an inside joke.
"Dude, why didn't you snipe that noob, you just let him walk by and frag me, and I dropped the flag."

by Tyler Chaves November 13, 2007
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God oh my. Variant of OMG (oh my god).
GOM this test is long!
by xptek December 20, 2004
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