A rare nickname for a male youth, an even rarer one for an adult. The man who carries this name into adulthood with full pride and ownership most assuredly has both the strength of ten men and the mind of a champion. Verbally spar with this man at your own risk: he is kind-hearted in his own friendly, proactive jabs but will return verbal volleys with unmatched speed, creativity and ferocity. Entertainment is his goal -- both others and his own. As a plus for women, Chip almost always knows how to please to the Nth degree.
My friend set me up with a handsome, muscular man who I thought might be a real douche canoe but it turned out Chip was a total stud.
by HBMoose November 14, 2017
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Rick: "Hey man, thanks for finding me that therapist."

Tim: "Chip."
by Professor_Zoom April 13, 2009
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To punch someone usually on the chin or the outsides of the face
Oi I heard dazza got a chip on that bloke

Yeah fully rearranged the butter boys face
by BUTTER_BOY March 7, 2019
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Can you help me move this box?
Ya, that's chips
by theogwafflebitch December 26, 2018
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A persons special skill or talent that makes them stand out.
1: "Damn, that girl's got chips!"
2: "She act like she's all that, but I don't see any chips."
by Kora Gray January 6, 2023
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Basically something or someone that’s ugly ashit or dingy
In philly we be like “bro u tagged yet that bitch she dumb chips
by Reemo424 July 17, 2019
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Chips mean your ugly, or have no fashion.
"She's chips" or what type on snack am I " chips"
by Just tryna help August 17, 2017
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