The f-tard feels no pain, as we taste it (in the sense we mean), and is retard-strong, reducing internal microstate density. The stratification of f-tard order dictates a greater entropy (social degree of disorder) in the surrounding grand scheme. Respect for the "ultimate disabled" is an inversion. Wasted time is what really cripples us, what the time demon, entropy, inhabits and feeds on. The mind is what counts. Conscious awareness is the fourth dimension. Sharing graciously, owing a debt of gratitude for the health we enjoy, the cards we were dealt. I wasn't meant to live.
Fooling with the f-tard is like taking on a midget. You can't win
by Fanwood Watcher February 17, 2020
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You should've seen her face while I was hosing her-she had tard face. Hey man I fucked her so well she had tard face. Hey ready for some tard face?
by Badmofochef October 6, 2013
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The larger, usually cleaner bathroom stall designed for the wheelchair-bound, retards, or wheelchair-bound tards. It is equipped with toilet seat paper ass gaskets, large rolls of TP, and handle bars to enable ass hovering or to give you something to grab onto when you really need to push one out.
Man 1- "Those hot wings have brought on a massive shit storm!"

Man 2- "I shall take you to Wal-mart. They have decent tard stalls."

Man 1- "Sounds good, I just hope that some tard hasn't explosively shit all over like last time."

Man 2- "Haven't you heard holmes? They remodeled the bathroom after that. The tard stall has new, improved handlebars!"
by Litaker July 7, 2011
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The ballsack of a stupid man or a retarded man.
That idiot over there is carrying around a bag of tards.
by poxifide January 18, 2011
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hmm, Alright picture like a dumb lookin' kid right? and put a bum oh his face, and slap him around a couple times. That kid got bum tarded, and is now a bum tard.

Kids that get bum tarded, or "bum tards" act in certain ways which have attributed new meaning to the word bum tard. For example if your nose smells like poo and your cheeks are red, you are automatically a bum tard, even if you haven't been bum tarded.
"Kevin is a bum tard"
"Steve got bum tarded, and now he's SUCH a bum tard!"
by SATAN's mom's va jay jay! August 5, 2008
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Someone who doesn't know what they're on about.
by hj_69 December 28, 2016
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