Bouncing off of a girl's (or guy's, whatever you're into) ass as you have sex with them from behind. Whether it's anal or vaginal intercourse is completely irrelevant.
"So what did you do last night, dude?"
"Oh you know, just hung out with Stacy's mom and was poking the pork chops."
by A_sphincter_says_what July 8, 2013
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To put forth alot of effort into failing at something, Or to try and fail at success at said activity.
David was chop dogging it today in gym.
by Starzev1114 January 6, 2014
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Judo chop donkey punch is when you’re fucking someone doggie style then cum you Judi chop them in the neck so they tense their whole body and then donkey punch them in the ass cheek to make them stand up quickly while tense so they don’t leave any cum or shit on your dick
Guy:1 I was fucking this chick last night and gave her a judo chop donkey punch because I didn’t wear a condom
by UtzUtz69 September 5, 2022
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Sold by a Sexy Trumpet Boi from Portsmouth west Schools.
I Bought some brass chops beard oil to help my beard
by Pillsbarrythiccman45 April 30, 2018
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Consumption of Domino's pizza takeaway and then providing oral sex. I.e. the chops (mouth and lips) of someone giving head after a greasy dirty sloppy Domino's.
I would have cum, but she had the Domino Chops.
by JF31 June 10, 2022
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Brendan: Ian I think these garies are too strong, I'm gurning a lot.

Ian: glad you're having fun, I'm not as bad as you I hope!

Nicola: I. Hope you aren't planning on wonky chopping all day!

By Nicola
by WordallySmart June 15, 2019
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When you do the traditional run up to your buddy and while making a karate hand and jam it up between there legs in a reverse karate chop.

Effectively chopping their nuts hence the name squirrel chop
*runs up to buddy*

*Performs squirrel chop*

"Squirrel chop!!!"

You must say this to distract from how weird it is that you just put your hand anywhere near your buddies private parts. Also...don't make eye contact.

Just like below except with an opened hand. 👋
by DragonsBane07312000 January 5, 2019
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