The belief of one race being superior to another race.
Something that I hate and do not engage in. The people who do are known as racists. The typical people who are targets of racism are Blacks and Hispanics. However, Whites are often attacked by other races, which is also known as "reverse racism". It's something that people shouldn't even participate in, especially considering how far we have come. Being a fifth (20%) Native American and being White of English and German heritage, I don't really think I have any place in racist behavior. Since I have a very significant amount of Native American blood, I am part of the "Mother of All Minorities". I AM diverse!
I love black people; I think they are hilarious, most of them are devout Christians, and the majority of them have been respectful to me for who I am, and they were NEVER racist towards me.
by Radical Republican December 9, 2004
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Regular Racism: Prejudice from one race to another, usually based on stereotypes.
American Racism: White people who hate black people
Another common american term for Racism: White people who are proud of their heritage (Though I'll admit it's not really something to be proud of.)
Stereotypes good and bad, You find the racism;
Black: My dad was a civil rights leader!
Bad black: My dad's a gangster!
Asian:We helped build canals in america!
Azn: I'M AN anNoYinG N00b!
White: We established America.
Bad White: And now we're going to take away everything it stands for!
Hispanic: I am an upstanding citizen and work very hard for minimal payment.
Bad Hispanic: My dad's a gangster.
I could go on.
by joebillybobbrown April 3, 2006
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the belief that all races are created equal- contrary to what democrats believe

the belief in racism is the anti-liberal belief that we should judge people by the content if their character
a person who disagrees with democrats and believes all races are the same is engaged in racism
by editorman222 November 21, 2021
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A word that has lost meaning. Racism means when a certain race hates another, and sees themself as superior. Therefore acting out in silly ways and saying racist remarks. In modern society it means anyone who disagrees with you and if you're specifically white. Racism in today's terms doesn't apply to black people either.
"Racism is a double-standard."
by B.SC June 8, 2023
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1. A lie created by your government in order to distract and divide the masses.

2. The ultimate excuse for people who can't make something of themselves because they prefer to spend their days whining about every minor injustice.
Racism is bullshit because I wasn't racist until I was forced to suffocate in the liberal agenda day in and day out.
by Fedthefuckup666 May 7, 2017
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Someone who recognizes and or promotes someone based on race. The naming of exclusive groups based on race. ______ chamber of commerce, ________ caucus...
black caucus
black chamber of commerce
hispanic chamber of commerce
by bob December 20, 2003
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