A technique for getting decisions and perhaps even consensus from a group. This is most useful for groups who are stalled on making a decision, be it big or small.

The name comes from a common problem when a group is trying to decide where to go for lunch. Often everyone will say "I don't care, where do you want to go?" and it is not until someone makes an unpopular suggestion that their true opinion is voiced. The catalyst of saying "McDonald's!" as a proxy for the bad choice will push the group members into offering alternatives. Quickly a decision that is not McDonald's is selected.
Jennifer sketched a new website homepage design with a purposeful emphasis with the wrong call to action. This McDonald's option allowed the stakeholders to describe what corrections were needed to get to the right design.
by Woody4life August 22, 2013
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It's short for secure additional funding. Option B is to secure additional funding.
I need my car fixed but I really don't have the money for it rn. Welp, time for option b.
by I do carloans August 4, 2019
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The kid received an optionable chocolate browser this Sunday, and he kept eating it until it became an optionabillity-covered-theme browser.
by ccchowmeta135 January 5, 2023
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« The seventh option » is what you call a guy that is so cute that he himself could be one of the 7 world wonders.
Mary: Hey, don’t you think that guy in the first year is cute!

Matthew: Bro… he could be the seventh option for me.
by matthraquis January 2, 2023
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What you eye-twinklingly add as a hasty "aside" after saying "hey" to someone, before they can impishly shoot back with da "standard" retort of "Hey iz fer horsiz".
I would sincerely hope dat it would be "horsiz optional" instead of "mandatory" when saying "hey" to someone... not dat I don't totally love those large gorgeous friendly four-legged mammals, but I wouldn't wanna hafta care for a whole herd of dem.
by QuacksO January 5, 2020
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No option orders to comply specifically for people named Al. Not to be confused with the word optional which is meant for everyone else.
Failure is not an OptionAl.
by SprinklesofKnowledge October 12, 2021
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Reid_.option is a quite remarkable Instagram page focusing on chiefs news, and nfl memes. He is loved by all and a reliable way of getting the best KC Chiefs news. The date where his account was started may still be unknown but it current day it is doing great and with 199 followers it looks to break into 200 followers soon!
Type 1: “Bro look at this page reid_.option you should follow it”
Type 2: “Everyone should totally follow reid_.option he is reliable and has the best memes.”
by Japoxfrd November 23, 2021
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