In this top, I'm siz-fizzling. (pronounced siz-i-fiz-a-ling)
by dancefreak September 30, 2009
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The 'zzle' term for 'For Sure my friend!'
Shakesphere: "Yes, friend, I shall take out the donkey excretement"
Today: "Fo shizzle my fizzle. fo gimmieizzle my shvelizzle bizzle?"
by h4x0r_w00t! November 27, 2004
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A phrase used to describe a post-japattack event at the office. This phrase shall only be used when one is surprised or dumbfounded by the event.
Well fizzle my nizzle, my best friend Bobby just laid a japattack on me to get ahead in the company.
by Quincy H. March 21, 2006
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What Snoop Dawg says in raps to make things sound like they are rhyming.
"Well holy jizzle all this dizzle ! Well fizzle my nizzle! This shizzle be dizzlin on a twizzle!"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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When a person wants to go from hot to not, often for acting or other related causes.
I had to fizzle me bum for a role as a junky, and it only took 2 months to sizzle me bum right back to shape for a boxing movie.
by Viralence May 26, 2006
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A bastardization of Doggy-Fizzle Tele-Vizzle. Meaning: Fine web-design coupled with entertaining content only obtained by a select few.
Damn dude, that site is Brandon-Fizzle Web-Izzle!

I just Brandon-Fizzled Web-Izzled my site, my nizzle.
by goBrandon February 4, 2004
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